Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Cheers to SDP

Hi Mr Tan,
I have always been a supporter for the opposition. It is not easy to go against the Government here, as we all know and well aware, many ended up with tragedies. These people really have the guts, courage and passion. I really salute them ! 

I still keep a book written and  signed by the late JB Jeyaretnam, who sold his books around Shenton Way about 7 years ago, when I met him. He is one of the Singapore Hero. Even my late father, who was illiterate, like his bravery, talent and sacrifices - without admitting defeat, even though he was made a bankrupt .

Hope your email and blog can reach to more people to encourage the SDP. Too bad the area I stayed is always walk over, there's no chance for voting at all. 

Cheers to SDP !

Warren Buffett's Philosophy

Here are some wonderful tips from the most successful man in the world - not only in money but also in the philosophy of life.

Warren Buffett and Bill Gates have pledged to donate most of their wealth to philantrophy. They have set up a foundation to start doing good to the world. They are also going round America to encourage other billionaires to do the same. They are also going round the world to meet the billionaires. These are wonderful people.

The Blind Girl

Beware miracle cure claims

I refer to "Baby dies after injection in the brain" (Oct 25)
and want to applaud Today for this timely news report.
I am an assistant professor in early childhood and special needs education.
Dr Noel Chia Kok Hwee

Insurance for premature baby

Hi Mr Tan,
I will like to find out if insurance companies offer policies for babies that were born premature. I have a 8-months-old baby that was born premature, and has been certified by the doctor to be healthy. I tried to apply for policies from a certain insurance company. However, the company has rejected my application "after very careful consideration." How should I proceed to get insurance for my baby?

It is better for you to save in a low cost investment fund to accumulate savings for your child. It gives you a better yield over the long term. You can use the savings for various purposes. In the case of medical care, you can see if your baby can be accepted for medishield. If not, you can take the risk on your own. If there is any serious medical condition (which is probably unlikely), the child can still be treated in subsidised ward (B2) and the cost is quite affordable, and can be paid out of Medisave and personal savings.

Read my book, Practical Guide on Financial Planning (available at

Should I continue my existing life policy?

Dear Mr Tan,
Having read your article on "How to read a Benefit Illustration (Par Policy)", I became curious about the deduction effect of my policy. With reference to ploicy year 25, the total premium amount paid at that point would be $37,680 and the effect of deductions would be $24,830. Guaranteed cash value at 25 years is $41,600 and death benefit is $100,000. Is it worth continuing with this policy?

Read this FAQ and get the information to make a decision.

SDP needs your help to step up campaign

Several investors who have lost a lot of money on the mini-bonds, Pinnacle notes and other financial products have expressed the wish to see a stronger opposition contesting the next general election. I hope that these investors and other citizens who have been unfairly treated by our system, will do their part to make this happen.

I have met with the leaders and active members of our political parties and know the difficulties that they faced in finding the people and money for the contests. Many of the leaders have made big personal sacrifices in participating in politics to offer an alternative to our citizens. Some have lost their jobs and incomes and have sued in court. But they struggled on - in their fight for a more just and equal society, for democracy, freedom of speech and human rights, for jobs at adequate wages and  a more affordable cost of living.

I want to introduce you to the Singapore Democratic Party and invite you to visit their website, Do spend some time to read and understand what they stand for, and what they are fighting for.

Some people have a negative opinion of Dr. Chee Soon Juan, due to past events and slanted coverage in the mainstream media. I have got to know Dr. Chee well in during the past two years. He is positive and sensible in his approach. He has a family with three young children. Like many ordinary citizens, they have to struggle financially to meet the high cost of living with an inadequate income stream. Dr. Chee and his family could have led a comfortable life by staying out of politics or migrating from Singapore.

I know that many people are afraid to be involved with an "opposition" political party. But if few people are willing to step forward, the situation in Singapore will continue to get worse for the ordinary people. There is one thing that you can do, in the background. You can make an anonymous donation to help any of the political party in this struggle. I urge you to step forward and be as generous as you.

Tan Kin Lian

$8 bypass operation

The Minister for Health paid $8 for a bypass operations. This is low compared to what ordinary citizens have to pay for similar or less complicated operations, even when the citizens have Medishield and supplementary private covers similar to what was bought by the Minister.

One key reason is the ability to make the right decision in our complicated system. The Minister is probably more knowledgeable, compared to ordinary citizens, on what should or should not be spent and how to make the best use of the government facilities. Furthermore, he is likely to get the best advice from doctors who will look after his interest and help him to make the best decisions under the system.

Unfortunately, this type of helpful advice is not available to ordinary citizens who might have been asked to take more expensive tests and treatments (when cheaper options are available), due to the "conflict of interest" of the medical professionals - who earn a share of the medical charges.

I hope that the Minister for Health will set up a helpline to give the friendly advice to citizens on what they should do with their treatment, so that they can get the same help as the Minister probably had. And one more point, Minister. Please staff the helpline adequately, so that patients can get through without a long wait.

Tan Kin Lian

If any reader of my blog has a personal experience of paying too much for your medical bill, in spite of your insurance coverage, please write to me at

Consumer needs advisers

MR TAN Kin Lian ('Why insurers, agents may turn a deaf ear to SM Goh's appeal'; yesterday)
is jumping to the conclusion...
His letter would carry more weight if...
He should also not make the generalisation that...
Pearlyn Koh (Ms)

My view
I hope that one of my readers will write a rebuttal to this letter. There are countless cases where the adviser can take advantage of the ignorance of the consumer to sell the the wrong product that takes away a large part of their savings - so that the adviser can earn a large commission.

Further note
I have written a reply to Ms Pearly Koh's letter. Watch out for it in the ST Online. I will publish my reply in my blog in 3 days time. Still, I hope that other readers, especially those that have been misled by insurance advisers, will write in to reply to Ms Pearlyn Koh.

Minister's $8 bypass operation

There are two interesting blogs about the Minister for Health's $8 bypass operation.
Singapore General Election Portal

SM Goh and Term Insurance

Here is the text of my letter to the Straits Times in response to SM Goh's call to life insurance companies to sell term insurance. The editor made some editorial changes to the published letter.


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Goh Meng Seng and Election

I want to introduce Goh Meng Seng to you. He helped me in Hong Lim Park with the Chinese version of my speech. He will be standing for election under the National Solidarity Party. Read his interview in
Singapore General Election Portal. He is socialist in his approach - and so am I.

Issues for the general election

For a summary and update of the issues that are relevant to the coming general election in Singapore, do visit this website daily. Bookmark it.
Singapore General Election Portal