Tuesday, September 21, 2010

FISCA talk - invest for the long term [2]

In my book on financial planning, I advised consumers to invest for the long term in a low cost investment fund. many consumers asked me, "Mr. Tan, I like your idea, but how do I implement this plan? What type of investment fund should I choose? How do I make the investment?"

The FISCA talk "Invest for the Long Term" is designed to cover these questions. The speaker will tell you about the ETFs and other funds that have low charges that are suitable for long term investors. They will also cover a few blue chip shares that can be invested as a proxy for the investment fund.

Go to www.fisca.sg and register for the talk on Saturday 25 September, 3 to 6 pm at SMU. Spend 3 hours and $30 ($20 for members) and be educated about your own financial well being.

What makes democracy work?

Read Gerald Giam's views in www.easyapps.sg/sgep/latest.aspx.

Remove means testing

Is there a way to remove means testing and make life simple for people in Singapore? It will reduce the cost of living and help people from spending money unnecessarily as they are not aware about how the system works. Read www.easyapps.sg/sgep/latest.aspx.

Bloggers views on Minimum Wage

Minister Lim Boon Heng gave a speech on why there should not be a minimum wage in Singapore. A few bloggers have given their response to the arguments put forward by the minister. Read their interesting perspective in www.easyapps.sg/sgep/latest.aspx.

I will be speaking on this topic in Speaker's Corner on Saturday at 6.45 pm.

Escalation of Medical Bills

Some patients were shocked to find that their medical bills had escalated to a few times of what was originally indicated. They were caught by the consent form that they had signed, and were not aware of the clause that allowed additional billings to be added.

Read www.tankinlian.com/latest.aspx (Excalation of Medical Bills).

Corporate bonds in SGX

Retain investors can invest in corporate bonds in SGX from 1 October 2010. They have a yield that is better than government bonds and bank deposits. The trading on SGX will give liquidity and transparent pricing to the investors.

Access to subsidised wards

I have written a letter to the Straits Times to ask the Ministry of Health to clarify if citizens have the right of access to subsidised wards or if they are restricted by some rules that restrict downgrading to subsidised wards, and what are these rules. I hope that my letter gets published and that the Ministry will give a reply to clarify this matter.

Living with peace and equianimity

If you are interested to find out what how to live with peace and equanimity, you are invited to read the chapters “Conversation with Guru Harry” in Tommy Wong’s book “Wisdom on How to Live Life”.
The book can be ordered here.

Talk on Minimum Wage

I have accepted an invitation by the Singapore Democratic Party to give a talk on minimum wage at Speaker's Corner, Hong Lim Park on Saturday 25 September at 6.45 pm. There will be other speakers earlier in the evening from 5 pm. Do turn up to hear these speakers.

More details here.