Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Ask Mr. Tan - Low cost investment fund

This article explains how you can invest in a low cost investment fund in Singapore. It also covers the issues of liquidity, diversification and its use as a retirement fund. (search for Low Cost Investment Fund)

Pretty good for Government work

Warren Buffett said "thanks" to the US Government for acting with courage to tackle the financial crisis:

What an excellent letter from a great person!

Shape Quiz (bundle of 10 minipaks)

Enjoy a discount of 25% when you order 10 mini-paks for $15 (usual price $20). Great as a game for children's party. Also, to give away as a gift.


Intelligence Quiz - vol 1, 2 and 3 (bundle)

This bundle of 3 books - vol 1, 2 and 3, is now available at a discount of 33.3%. You pay for 2 books and get the 3rd book free. It is a logic puzzle based on the famous puzzle created by Dr. Albert Einstein, the most famous scientist of all times.
Order at


Wisdom on How to Live Life (Book 3)

Humans being the most intelligent species and having lived on Earth for thousands of years, we are yet nowhere near to a life of peace, love, joy and harmony. This book contains a story of a young man, Tom, who had a fourth conversation with Guru Harry. This is a continuation of their first three conversations which are contained in the books “Wisdom on How to Live Life” and “Wisdom on How to Live Life (Book 2)”. Guru Harry epitomizes someone from a spiritual society who offers a way of living which can lead to peace, love, joy and harmony.

Through this fourth conversation, Tom learnt that (1) why we should live our lives according to our wishes, (2) why it is better to have morality than money, (3) why somebody who did ten good deeds is better than another who did one hundred good deeds and one bad deed, (4) what is the negative response we need to prepare for when we do good, (5) why life is getting harder and harder, (6) why it is better to solve problems with spiritual solutions than physical solutions, (7) why there is so much fear on Earth, (8) why it is better to believe that there is no heaven, (9) why masters do not directly bring heaven to Earth, and (10) how to build a loving society.

More information about the book can be found on the website
The book can be ordered here.

Author: Dr. Tommy Wong