Thursday, December 2, 2010

Zeitgeist movie and Tommy Wong’s book

Read about “Guru Dick” and the concept “We are all one” in Tommy Wong’s book “Wisdom on How to Live Life (Book 1)” and watch them in the movie “Zeitgeist: Addendum”.

The book can be ordered here.

Private shield and Liver Transplant

Insurance agents tell the consumers that the cost of a liver transplant is $100,000 and that it would be covered under a private shield plan.

Before you take the advice of the agent, you should consider the following:
a) What is the chance of needing a liver transplant?
b) Where are you going to find a liver when you need it?
c) What is the total premium that you have to pay for the private shield plan?

Some of the risks, such as the need for a liver transplant, is quite remote. You should not be spending too much money to protect against these risk. The cost of a private shield plan may take away $40,000 over a lifetime. Why pay so much (a certainty) to insure a risk ($100,000) that is quite remote?

Social insurance

There is a role for social insurance to deliver the basic needs for the population in an efficient way, compared to private insurance. Our government leaders should understand its strengths and weaknesses and find the right balance between social and private insurance.

There is a mistaken belief that private insurance is more efficient. It is actually more costly to use private insurance to deliver the basic needs that are required by most people.

Not insured under Medishield

Some people are worried that their parents are not insured under Medishield. They try to apply for Medishield now, but the application is rejected as their parent has some medical condition. They need not worry. Here are some tips on how to cope without insurance.

Ask Mr. Tan

Do you hate Singapore - a response

Read the response by C H Yak in SGEP.

The article has many interesting photos of Nanjing, showing the remarkable progress made in the city. He compares life in Nanjing with Singapore and raises several issues that should be considered at the forthcoming general election in Singapore.

Minimum wage - a successful government policy

Many countries have implemented the minimum wage. It has been voted as the most successful government policy in the UK according to a survey by BBC. Read SGEP.

A big sacrifice - Goh Meng Seng

Goh Meng Seng has to make a big sacrifice in going into politics. He believes in giving a choice to the people of Singapore. Read SGEP.

The monk, the clown and the minister

Who are these people and how do they affect our politics? Read SGEP.

House of Commons debate on Alan Shadrake

Read the debate in SGEP