Tuesday, September 28, 2010


A consumer asks for my views about whether the IPO from the Government of Singapore Investment Corporation, that is expected to be launched soon. Is this a good investment? I am not able to give an opinion. I asked an analyst to make a summary of the investment.

DBS Vitamin Account

The Vitamin account is a structured product. An investor invested $40,000 in October 2005. On the maturity date in October 2011 (5 years), the investor will receive the full principal plus the performance of the underlying references (which amounts to NIL). During the 5 years, the investor obtained a total payout of 4.1099% or about 0.8% per year. This is a poor yield for an investment that is locked up for 5 years. It is a structured equity-linked product.

Many investors had invested in structured products, such as the Vitamin account, for 5 years and received a paltry return. It is advisable for investors to avoid all types of structured products, including the capital guaranteed, capital protected, equity-linked, currency-linked or credit-linked products. The experience of nearly all the products issued by the banks over the past ten years had been disappointing.

Termination of Private Shield

I terminated my Incomeshield as I preferred to be insured under basic Medishield. I received this letter from NTUC Income:

"If the insured is also covered in the integrated plan and the policy is terminating without switching to another insurer or change, of plan .... the insured will continue to be insured under the MediShield scheme with th eCPF Board, as long as he/she is eligble for the scheme. The MediShield cover willbe renewed automatically each year after the premium is deducted from the Medisave account".

In short, the transfer to Medishield is automatic. If the insured wishes to terminate the MediShield cover, a separate termination form has to be submitted to the CPF Board.

By-election in Ang Mo Kio

Will a by-election be held in Ang Mo Kio to find a new MP to take over from Dr. Balaji? Read the view from the Prime Minister in www.easyapps.sg/sgep/latest.aspx.

Dr. Balaji made a great sacrifice

Goh Chok Tong's letter to the family of Dr. Balaji.

CPF Investment Scheme

A CPF members can invest the savings in the ordinary and special account under the CPF Investment scheme to earn a better yield (hopefully) compared to the interest paid by the CPF. Here are some details of this scheme.

From 1 January 2011, the approved funds must meet the following 4 criteria:
  •          Lower expense ratios
  •          3 per cent cap on sales charges
  •          Three-year track record
  •          Top-quartile performance ranking among their global peers.

Poor customer service

Telephone operators have too many customers and too many products and insufficient staff to provide customer service. Here are some complaints: www.tankinlian.com/latest.aspx

Banking services

Nine things your banker won;t tell you.

1. Your whole deposit isn’t available immediately

2. A post-date on a check means nothing
3. Fees are the big money maker
4. You can get some fees waived – just ask
5. Your refusal to opt in for “overdraft protection” doesn’t apply to checks
6. Your online account information may not be accurate
7. Bankers are salespeople
8. You should shop around for financial products and services
9. The system is likely to decide on your loan application

The most important advice is - shop around for financial products and services, including insurance policies. Make sure that you compare like with like. Do not buy any "special product that is offered to you - they usually over charge the consumer and make a bigger profit for the issuer and the distributor!

Attract attention to your website

Here are a few tips to attract attention to the website:

Search engine
Guest post
Regular updates

My blog (www.tankinlian.blogspot.com) and website (www.tankinlian.com) has most of these features.

Retirees duped by structured notes

Read this report.

It explains the situation in America. The banks are held accountable for selling structured notes without explaining the risks to elderly investors. If a similar approach is taken in Singapore, many people would have been compensated for their losses.