Saturday, May 9, 2009

NTUC Income's Bonus Cut

Dear Mr. Tan,
At last year's general meeting, the chairman of Income made certain promises to policyholders concerning the bonus cut. He said that bonuses will be declared based on the actual experience of the fund. Do you intend to ask the chairman about the steps that have been taken to declare fair rates of bonuses? It seems that Income knows how to cut bonuses and to spend money to give more incentives to insurance agents? What about giving a fair return to policyholders?

I am in Canada now on a 3 week vacation. I will return to Singapore just before the annual general meeting. I have asked to attend the meeting which will be held on Friday 29 May.

I like to ask policyholders who are unhappy with the bonus cut to attend the annual general meeting and post the questions to the board. I have labelled my blog postings on the bonus cut separately. Click on the label "NTUC Income Bonus Cut".

The statement by the chairman at last year's AGM can be found here. NTUC Income's FAQ on bonus cut is found here.

Can policyholders help to identify the questions to ask the chairman at the AGM to be held on 29 May?